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The money is important.  Our Associations can't operate without it.   LEAD works as a both a fund raiser and a relationship builder for our clients.

We do not work on a split.  We negotiate the lowest pricing for printing, production, mailing, artwork and data processing and donor gift incentives, then, and we send our clients an invoice.  On an annual basis, costs represents an average 30-35% of the gross donations, leaving approximately 65-70%  for our Associations.

Because we do not directly receive the contributions from our fund raising programs, we are not required to register as full-blown fund raisers.  As such, neither ourselves nor our clients are  under the kind of scrutiny that may jeopardize our efforts or compromise our Associations' relationships with their state's command.  Our program is a cleaner, more professional and more effective way to raise funds.

LEAD Marketing

Trooper Donor Service Office

7388 Highland Rd. Ste. 18

Baton Rouge, LA 70808


Office:    225-766-2294


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